A Free Nation in a Free Fall

Today, we celebrate the independence of our nation. Today, I am reminded of our dependence on Jesus. He alone can truly set us free. He alone can save.He alone can change a man's heart.A nation's heart.He alone can end abortion.He alone can preserve marriage between a man and a woman.He alone can restore the value of life at all stages.The battle is His; we are His foot soldiers.Here to do as He commands.Here to love as He loves.Here to stand in the gap.Will we obey?Will we pray without ceasing?Will we cooperate with Him as He interrupts and inconveniences us?Will we stand? One nation, under God.How about just His people, under His authority, submitting to His will?Humble.Available.Uncompromising.

God's word is woven through the fabric of this nation's founding documents, yet we seem to be a nation at war with everything for which He stands. 

Where once this nation was guided by biblical principals and a belief that freedom can only thrive where morality is established by Christianity, Christianity appears to be the only belief that will not be tolerated. Historically, a nation that turns its back on God in pursuit of freedom from moral obligations is a nation that falls. This is a free nation. But are we using that freedom to fail?Lord, turn up the heat in our hearts that Your light would shine brighter in an ever dark world. Do whatever it takes to draw unto You a people wholly Yours.Shauna WallaceHoly His