Be Bold by Faith

I'm excited to be back with Rachel Britton this morning as a guest blogger for #BeBoldGirl. Last year, I encouraged us all to be bold by being ourselves. Today, I share how God is continuing this journey by encouraging me to walk out being boldly me by faith.I so relate to Jesus’ disciple Peter: bold, passionate, sometimes rash, saying and promising some pretty impressive things Jesus corrects and rebukes. I’m just like him! The fact that Jesus mightily uses Peter in spite of his well-intentioned but misguided escapades gives me great hope as I continue learning how to be boldly me. See if you relate too.When Jesus miraculously walks on squalling waters to reach His disciples’ boat, they fear He’s a ghost. Ever the bold one, Peter challenges Jesus to prove Himself by commanding him to walk on water too. Jesus does, and Peter walks on water!  Until boisterous winds frighten him. As he sinks, Jesus reaches out and catches him, saying, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’” (Matthew 14:24-31).How many times does my faith falter at the first sign of circumstantial instability and Jesus rescues me, saying, “O you of little faith! Why do you doubt?”When Jesus foretells His suffering, death and resurrection, look at Peter’s and Jesus’ bold exchange...(to continue reading, click here).

UncategorizedShauna Wallace