The 10/2 Rule for Choosing Faith When Facing GIANT Fear

As promised yesterday in When GIANT Fear Threatens Our Faith, here is The 10/2 Rule for Choosing Faith When Facing GIANT Fear: ten truths and two steps for slaying fear as we step into the land God has for us in faith. Considering today is tax day, some of you may need this especially today.

The 10/2 Rule for Choosing Faith When Facing GIANT Fear


  1. We live in a fallen world; there will always be an abundance of bad reports.
  2. Giants will always be part of our journey; what we focus on determines the grasshopper. Either we will be the grasshopper to our giants, at risk of being squished, or the giants will be grasshoppers to our God.
  3. The longer our gaze lingers on giants, the larger they loom.
  4. Who we listen to affects who we believe. Don’t listen to the world; listen to God.
  5. The majority believe bad reports. It’s easier to cower in fear than defy fear in faith.
  6. Expect to be in the minority. We might stand alone when we stand in faith, but we’re never ever alone. Joshua and Caleb were two of twelve: 17 percent, but as they declared: “The LORD is with us. Do not fear.”
  7. The promises of God don’t change; our choices determine the degree to which we experience them here on earth.
  8. As humans, we’re inclined to favor the familiar and comfortable because faith is risky. Know it, and resist it.
  9. When God has a plan, He will bring it to pass no matter what the land or giants look like. He’s the one in charge, not all of them.
  10. Our giant God crushes giants as if they’re grasshoppers.

TWO STEPSONE: Set and keep your eyes on the grandness of God, believing His promises over the world’s bad reports. Agree with God! Of Himself He declares: “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).TWO: Move forward in faith, no matter what, confronting your giants along the way. Like David when he defies Goliath right before slaying him with a single stone from his slingshot and taking his head, declare to your giants:

“I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts…

This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you…

for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into (my) hands”

(excerpts from 1 Samuel 17:45-47).

The giants don’t matter. Really. Just our obedience to believe and in faith take the next step the Lord puts before us. He has the plan all figured out, and He will open whatever doors are necessary for us to continue down the path He’s set before us, no matter how well the path lines up with the world’s wisdom or not. Likely, it won’t, because in the impossible we must completely depend on Him and He is glorified!

Without giants, we don’t need faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Why, then, would He ask anything of us that doesn’t require faith?

Choose faith, even in the face of GIANT fear.