Steadfast Podcast: Sharing a Bit of My Story

Sharing a bit of my story on the Steadfast podcast with Casey Tate today! The stronghold of bulimia and a desire to cover self-disgust with a perfect image left me a broken, hurting mess, but God by His grace and faithfulness rescued me. Maybe that's not your story or struggle, but something else is weighing you down. Or maybe you just love to hear the many ways the Lord moves in personal and profound ways to show Himself mighty to and in us. I'd love to share this story with you, as He has and He continues to teach me each day how to live free of the sin that once entangled me. It's a story of the hope and redemption!

If it touches or blesses you, please feel free to share it!

Click to listen to Steadfast with Casey Tate in iTunes.

You can also listen in Google Play (which I know nothing about!).

The easiest way I know to listen is on an iPhone or iPad. Open your Podcasts app, search Steadfast with Casey Tate and play Episode 13.