To Vote or not to Vote: Is that the Question?

I took my last one to vote for her first time. To me, it’s a big deal. Much has been sacrificed for us to enjoy freedom. I wonder if we won't truly know how big a deal it is until we lose it? This election is a big deal. My dad said he hasn't seen unrest like this since Vietnam, and I get it if you don’t want to vote. As presidential candidates go, seems like the challenge is to decide which is the better of two bad options. But as a voting Christian, I try to remember that we are not voting for the pastor of the United States, nor is the presidential race exclusively consequential in this election. Other critical offices are being filled. I used to be super outspoken on all things politics, and lately, I've been pretty silent. This isn't a political post to sway you in one direction or another, but rather what I consider to be a PSA to share a few resources I hope are helpful to you. The voter's guides at offer a nonpartisan snapshot of candidate and party platform stances on key issues, because even if we don't like the person running, the platform they run on matters. There are presidential and vice presidential guides and a party platform guide, as well as several specific to states. Another helpful guide is available at


Neither presidential represents the perfect or even ideal option. I don't agree with everything for either party. This. Is. Hard. But as you consider the options, pray! And then I encourage you to vote the platform that most enables our country as a whole and us as individuals to live out biblical values. I think the author who wrote "Biblical Principles for Voting" ( does an excellent job of scripturally explaining the Christian's role and responsibility in government, issues, and elections. It's worth a read.

Honestly, I don't know that I would say America is a Christian nation. I believe our nation was founded on biblical principles, and those are the principles I want to continue to uphold and vote to support. I hope these resources are helpful to you as you consider how to vote.

Shauna Wallace