10 Tips for Making Christmas Meaningful, Manageable & Memorable

Have you ever overdone things to the point of creating a miserable-not-merry Christmas? Do you long to slow down in the hurry of the holidays and find peace in the pressure? Yesterday at The Laundry Moms, I shared the “3 M’s of a Merry Christmas,” a framework to help us evaluate commitments according to whether or not they meet what’s meaningful, manageable and memorable to us and our families.The holidays are a lot like Pinterest to me: my BFF and my worst nightmare! The ideas are endless and amazing, and so far, I’ve pinned more holiday ideas than I could ever cook or craft in a lifetime! To try and do them all would do me in. Aren’t the holidays just like that? There are so many great traditions, activities and gifts to choose from that to try and do it all just does us in!With yesterday’s framework in place, what can we DO to weed out what’s not for us, make room for what is and make way for a joyful holiday? What specific actions can we take based on the answers to yesterday’s questions? My gift to you is “10 Tips for a Meaningful, Manageable & Memorable Christmas.” I’ve listed all ten here, and for the next nine days, you’ll receive extra information and ideas on each one! Because we’re all about maximizing our time right now, they’ll be brief. Kind of like the Twelve Days of Christmas, but ten.10 Tips for Making Your Christmas Meaningful, Manageable & Memorable

  1. Use a calendar.
  1. Set a budget.
  1. Simplify gift giving.
  1. Involve your family.
  1. Have a plan.
  1. Plan ahead.
  1. Allow for interruptions.
  1. Consider others.
  1. Make lists.
  1. Give yourself grace.

Since we’re fast approaching the biggest shopping day of the year, I’ll cover our first tip in a second blog today so we get to budgeting before Black Friday.I pray that some tidbit in the next ten days will be helpful to you at a practical level, and that you will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to you and guides you during this crazy time of year.