Posts in on holidays
The Gift of God's Word (and Presents Under the Tree) - Day Eight

What gifts God word has for us in seeing Joseph handle news of Mary's virgin pregnancy and thoughtfully consider how he might put her away secretly! His caution and compassion from a heart of affection is much like how God deals with us. Join me in Matthew 1:18-25 as we unwrap our final gifts from God's word today and tomorrow.

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The Gift of God's Word (and Presents Under the Tree) - Day Seven

How do we make much of God even as we find ourselves in a time of gestation, when He doing a new work in us but it's not yet here? Mary, Elizabeth and Zacharias encountered impossible news from the Lord, but they also encountered His supernatural faithfulness to bring it to pass. We can serve Him without fear, doing the great and mighty things He has for us to do to prepare the way for Jesus Christ!

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Tip Nine: Make Lists for a Meaningful, Manageable & Memorable Christmas

Santa isn’t the only one who benefits from making a list and checking it twice! How else would he stay organized and make sure nothing slips through the cracks? Hopefully you have a plan and are planning ahead, and now lists can help you stay ahead of what’s required of you for each of your commitments, including gift giving. Today's tip includes examples you can use for making your own master, working and entertaining lists!

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