Posts in on authority
Who Really Rules?

As government grows like the fib from Veggie Tales’ “Larry Boy! And the Fib from Outer Space,” it seems more and more impossible to re-contain within the boundaries set forth in the U.S. Constitution. As government attempts to undermine clearly scriptural absolutes, do we jump in the battles to legislate morality? Do we invest our time, energy, talent, and resources in electing and unseating governing authorities, passing and defeating laws? While one believer may insist on front-line warfare, another may insist we not engage at all, leaving us where we left off Monday in “Yield or Wield: Believers and Politics?” What does God’s word say? Is one right and the other wrong? Is the answer up to us?

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Yield or Wield: Believers in Politics?

A friend once shared she was no longer interested in her own opinion. Her comment stuck like a dart in my heart. She said she only wanted God’s opinion on things. His word. It doesn’t matter what she thinks, only what He thinks. It struck me as odd at first. Conjured up accusations of mindless Christians who can’t think for themselves. And yet, the truth of her conviction resonated within me. Essentially, she was saying, “I am only interested in lining my mind up with the word of God.” It brings to mind 2 Corinthians 10:5, which says we should be “casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” In an unrelated conversation, another friend expressed her deep appreciation for her pastor who exclusively preaches God’s beliefs, not his own. He doesn’t use the phrase, “I believe.” It doesn’t matter what he believes. It matters what God says. He’s the ultimate authority on all things. Even politics.

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It Really Is Okay to Spy!

I love a good spy movie! I’m intrigued with Hollywood’s romanticized portrayal of secret intelligence operatives who scan crime scenes, analyze clues, vet leads, exploit assets, assume undercover personas, and utilize futuristic technology to coordinate multi-state and even international black ops, all in the name of outsmarting criminals and maintaining national security. In the safety of a Hollywood studio, I think it would be so much fun to be an agent! In real life, that’s exactly what today’s Proverbs 31 target calls us to be. Target ELEVEN: Diligently watching over our households.

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