Is Jesus Accusing or Accepting?

I met Jesus when I was 9, but I didn’t turn from my ways to follow Him until I was 28–puddled in a pit of despair, broken beyond what I could fix. I definitely imagined Jesus with a pointed finger, because honestly, that’s what I knew I deserved for all my defeat-on-repeat failures to do better where sin was out of control in my heart and life. Thankfully, I’ve found is rest in His open arms.

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Shauna Wallace
What to Do When We Hate Eve

What was Eve thinking? How could she ruin things so miserably for all of us for all time? I want to blame her! I want to be mad and hold a grudge (and excuse my sin, because after all, she started it). But then one day, I sensed a distinct impression from God: Shauna, you would have done the same thing. You know what? He’s right. (Actually, He’s always right.) That’s not all. There are a whole slew of things in Genesis 3 that are good lessons for us today.

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Shauna Wallace
Your Way or Your Soul?

“Is anything worth more than your soul?” Jesus asks in Mark 8:37 (NLT). I’m not sure I could count the ways I’ve traded pieces of my soul for empty promises. I have tried so hard to have it my way, like a Burger King Whopper, but there is just no way. So what is the way?

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Shauna Wallace
To Vote or not to Vote: Is that the Question?

I took my last one to vote for her first time. To me, it’s a big deal. Much has been sacrificed for us to enjoy freedom. I wonder if we won't truly know how big a deal it is until we lose it? This election is a big deal. My dad said he hasn't seen unrest like this since Vietnam, and I get it if you don’t want to vote. As presidential candidates go, seems like the challenge is to decide which is the better of two bad options.

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Shauna Wallace
My Love Affair with Lashes

A month ago, I got lash extensions. I actually prayed about it, because I want to please God, and when He said “No,” I did it anyway. As much as I want to walk by the spirit and obey God in the simplest of things, I also want to please my flesh, and my flesh wanted eyelashes! I immediately became obsessed. I compulsively stared at myself in the mirror, at once admiring and criticizing them. Within 24 hours, I decided I would switch lash studios, because a friend of mine goes to one that does brows, too. I asked another friend about lip injections, because why not address the wrinkles on my lip line while I’m at it? For me, it was a SLIPPERY. SLOPE. After one week, I was in bondage and cried out to God, “Please, God, if you’re not in it, I don’t want it!”

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Shauna Wallace
Why You Should Stand Up to the Cancel Culture Bully

Anyone struggle with the “cancel culture”? It’s a real thing, and it’s happening at an individual level, too. I’ll be honest, it scares me. I don’t want to be cancelled. Rejected. Shunned. I don’t want to be hated and all alone. But as a follower of Christ and believer in the absolute truth of scripture, unless I choose silence, it's bound to happen. At some point, standing for God’s truth will put us in opposition with what’s popular and trending. In Daniel 3 of the same Bible that might “cancel” you with culture, there’s the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, Hebrew exiles in Babylon who refuse to bow down and worship the golden statue King Nebuchadnezzar erects in his own honor. How is this relevant to us today? Read more.

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Shauna Wallace